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if the TD is given then it goes to 23-20 and at the end of the game instead of throwing to Julian Edelman inside the 10 then they kick a chip shot FG and the games goes 23-23 and into overtime. Bad night from the refs. it’s funny that I can go on another teams page and there’s no Pats fans on them running their mouths, yet there’s fans of every team running their mouths on the Pats pages. Such classy fans…. NFL football atlanta falcons full printing shirt Do you really have nothing better to do than troll on a Pats page? Grow up and stop acting like a 12 year old and get a life already. Go hang out on the Chiefs page.
I absolutely love the way the guys played with heart today and they built on it as the game progressed. This might just be the defining game we have been waiting for as a fan to push them forward and into the playoffs . I saw heart and grit tonight – finally – despite an L. The Hoodie’s teams don’t care if they play at home or on the road in the playoffs…they are on to Cincinnati!! Actually they only cost them a touchdown as the bad calls were on the same drive that led to FG…so 4 points. But if Pat’s got the TD they would have only had to get a FG on last drive to tie.

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