Stay safe man I hate to give you bad but enlightening news. Pink baby unicorn anti-dust cotton face mask EVERYTHING, including healthcare is better when you have money and power.
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Not so sure, and why?. Cz of An Incovinient Truth – high taxation required. And thus an essential number of salaried employees will expectedly experience a serious confiscation of purchase power. Pink baby unicorn anti-dust cotton face mask exactly ; all the millions of people without healthinsurance in the USA … and i ve heard that 70% of the died due to COVID 19 are black Americans ? Wow I think all of you are missing the point here. Stay home because as a nation we are out of supplies. We don’t have the resources to treat people appropriately. I also work in a hospital and our PACUs are being taken over by ICU patients because the ICUs are being taken over by Covid patients. JUST STAY HOME AND WASH YOUR HANDS! I make good money and have great insurance but the quality of care still sucksMedical supplies,
medications and their factories moved to China under ubuma administration. Recently China restricted shipping the above. It was on the news on most Chanel’s. This is why Trump promises to bring back to USA essential farms pharmaceutical manufacturing so not to depend on China. So blame ubuma and his administration because President Trump is doing an amazing job. first of all it’s disgusting that you don’t spell President Obama’s name right. Second of all if you knew anything about what was really going on you would not say the president is doing an amazing job even if you said he was doing a decent job you would be wrong. I’m not here to change your mind but check some real news sources and see how he wasted February and downplayed it until the middle of March and how he won’t help the states.

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