Thank you for sharing this special young lady with us, and may God bless her and her family. Point break compadres cartoon poster thank you so much for those kind words! We love her soo much and we make sure she knows it.
Point break compadres cartoon poster
Absolutely not!!! THANK YOU Christy!! You are among the wonderful care team we’ve had over the many years!! And yes, we have NEVER ever hid Christy (also my sister’s name) Point break compadres cartoon poster from the world!! She is our pride & joy!!! She leaves an impression on everyone she meets!! This was evident when we decided to throw her a big party for her 40th birthday. We invited past teachers & caregivers, and many of them came. It was a WONDERFUL day!!! So, cruel world or not, we CELEBRATE & LOVE my sister!!!!! And thank all those who help us take wonderful care of her!! I know it is mostly about Natasha, but bless Nicole.
She seems to be the kind of person everyone should have as their best friend and partner in crime… I love the bond they have thank you so much. She truly is my best friend. Nothing can separate us or tarnish our bond! We’re blessed to have her you’re a beautiful soul. The way you were so kind hearted with your sister had me crying the entire time. The world needs more people like you. this was such a great interview! I think once Natasha started smiling, there was a permanent smile on my face and in my heart! Watching Natasha made me “feel” again, like I did with my own special needs daughter, so I know just how her Mom feels! Nicole is such a great big sister in loving her twin and protecting her. It’s great to see Natasha so happy and I loved her interaction with you, Chris.

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