Or have him wishing she’d do physical deeds of love. proud blue collar american shirt The video conveys such an obvious and simple msg yet we humans forget it most of the time.. So important guys. Love this!
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talked to him and we clicked it felt soo good and he treat me like a person not just a sex slave me have soo much in common it was soo amazing proud blue collar american shirt I am soo happy he makes me feel like a brand new woman he cuddles with me take the time out for me what I never had we been seeing eachother going on 2 months and he is the best thing came into my life there is a reason why we meet and in would never change it for the world got someone that loves and cares for me I am Sooo happy in love yes I do see myself marrying brain he
is my friend my lover and yes in the future my husband This is why I love my Vince. He gives me his time. Talking for hours and just to sit next to him while he drinks his 10 gallons of coffee give him everything and the support and everything he needs and all I get is I’ll see you twice a week when you come over Love this but I actually saw this on a TV show a few years back like the exact words with a real couple and a therapist lol still a good video and something most couples should probably discuss Yes! I love love this! Fully true but only thing I found confusing is “we give what we want….”. The guy wanted words of affirmation but gave her gestures of good deeds. I think it would have been safer to say “give someone what we think they’d want”
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