What I was referring too in my earlier post was an assault weapon like Skull the united states firefighter full printing shirt those used in mass shootings. Not a semi automatic. Simple mistake. No need to get so agitated. Why are so many people so angry?
Skull the united states firefighter full printing shirt
I always recommend women carry a semi auto pistol, the Glock 19. Out of the box it is the most reliable handgun in the world in my humble opinion. It is small enough to fit in a woman’s hand and is very simple to operate. Larger versions are issued by police departments all over the country. Skull the united states firefighter full printing shirt The semi auto is better than a revolver for most people. Because of our dishonest media pushing a political agenda the issue has become confused.
The AR platform you are likely referring to is not a weapon of war. All similar military weapons are full auto. That is a function that has been difficult to come by in America for about 80 years. As others have suggested go to a range and learn for yourself. That’s the only way to truly know for sure. You will likely change your mind in less than an hour. Oh, I am quite willing to carry and own a gun.

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