and drive on again. We aren’t on a journey to get to a place Spongebob squarepants auto sun shade as much as become who we were sent here to become. You can be the person who invented TV, telephones, harnessed electricity
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It doesn’t matter what we accomplish, how much money we make or what level of power and influence we gain in life. It matters WHO we become. The rest can be taken in a moment’s notice and are worthless to us when we go. But WHO we are is the eternal presence we take and leave when we go. Spongebob squarepants auto sun shade Can you be blessed with riches and still not think of yourself as better than others? Can you be busy chasing success
and still find time to help those around you? Can you be completely destroyed by failure and life and not become bitter and still see the needs of those around you? Can you see your whole world crumble and still see the beautiful sunset in the dust? Can you feel like you are about to cross that finish line you’ve grinded your life away to get to just to be set back at square one or worse, set back before the original start point? Then have the strength to start over with your lessons learned

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