And always Forgive if you don’t your only hurting yourself. Stop staring at my bat baseball flag hawaiian shorts Let God and the good lord be on your side. As it says in the Lord’s Prayer Forgive is our trespasses as we forgive our trespassers
Stop staring at my bat baseball flag hawaiian shorts
People out there listening? That’s why I changed the way I treat people because everything that you do will come back to you not long ago some shit was going on with me and Stop staring at my bat baseball flag hawaiian shorts I said what have I done to someone for this to be going on I couldn’t think of anything but when I questioned myself it got better and went away so sometimes I think we are tested to make sure we are on the right track I’m sure this includes people that you thought were friends and family! Karma’s some nasty stuff and I know my reactions have not been great but karma isn’t going to get me as bad as a few others.
GET EM KARMA, kick some ass. I’m so tired of being the only one in so much pain Soo true but people will continue to do this over again… grass is rarely greener on the other side for long and the hurt they create comes back and bites them deservedly so It happened to me too, after 12 years of marriage and i dnt wish anyone to go through the pain the same pain I expirenced When life dumps a cold bucket of ice water on you. Maintain your composure.think before you act? What’s the responsible thing to do. The kids come First what’s best for them. Do your best no matter how unfair it seems. That’s all you can do. Being responsible will someday come back and reward you no matter how big or little you will have a good feeling you did the right thing.

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