but his beliefs are such that he will not make a cake for a particular group in society. Army black knights quilt So be it. They can take their money elsewhere, and he will feel noble. Everyone’s a winner. and he did spend a lot of time with just 12 other guys
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Unbiased information must be given willingly and dutifully to children. Accept that humans will cling to ignorance for self preservation. Always remember that your opinion or belief could be wrong. Anyone who is completely certain of something like a God is not going to comprehend logic or ethics in an unbiased way. Army black knights quilt History teaches that when a devoted religious sect is confronted with an opposing position, belief or opinion, they will accuse, attack and kill to preserve their own beliefs.

They are allowed to refuse service unless the business is discriminating against protected classes. At least that is what I remember. What I remember from protected classes are race, religion, sex, and I know there are more but I can’t remember and I’m feeding some hungry kids atm. This man should be commended for his courtesy, if nothing else. I do not agree with his views – I read nothing about Jesus banning anyone from drinking the wine he made from water
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