Interesting. What has Trump done that creates so much Beautiful mushrooms for life the anatomy of a mushroom poster hatred in your Party off Hate? You don’t have an answer bc there isn’t one. You are going along with a Mob that says we will try and destroy Trump and his agenda.
Beautiful mushrooms for life the anatomy of a mushroom poster
Can’t remember when or where but can remember every other damning detail. Research her history and you will see she was a complete slut through HS and college I hope with you, but if you don’t realize this is a Political push by the left, you are Blind. Her story is full of holes. Beautiful mushrooms for life the anatomy of a mushroom poster There is no proof and those like you take it to be gospel. Now she doesn’t want to testify under oath. Smells like Fish.

The Karma you will get is high unemployment with the best Healthcare in the world destroyed by a Black man living in Hawaii who thinks his Muslim father who abandoned his Socialist mother is his mentor and heroposing as a Black man We are in the best of times in 40 yrs ( since the Democrats took power) and you are unhappy. Why? Because the Socialist party you adore told you to resist. If they gain power again then what? They promise to raise taxes and fix Obamacare which they voted in to destroy the best healthcare in the world.
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