Ravens look like that that something special behind their game and Dallas stars baby yoda full printing shirt it’s pretty magical. Lamar is one thing. The team as a whole is another. Hoping for the “W” but I almost a “L” would be more beneficial to the team. Go Ravens.
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did you forget about Ingram, Gus Edwards, and justice hill? We have a QB who can run the RPO the best don’t be a hater. Not to mention Mark Andrews and Hollywood brown but it’s cool I hope that “number 1” defense writes them off as well because that means you will find Hollywood brown behind them in the end zone As a Baltimore Ravens fan, being a Perpetual Underdog has pretty much taught Dallas stars baby yoda full printing shirt us to never expect anything but fighting from behind but never giving up. Now that we are getting more respect than we ever have

and actually deserve it, it is one of the weirdest but most satisfying feelings in the world. Watching Lamar Jackson lift this team up along with Baltimore and Maryland and the Ravens fan base is awesome enough, but to see us getting National and even International recognition is just a dream come true. Even if we lose on Sunday to the 49ers at home, all that should do is hopefully refocus us to not lose a single game until we make it to the Superbowl. Niners look legit this year and I recognize that.
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