we choose in this life to worship and if u are speaking Dos equis beer full printing ugly christmas sweater from a Christian perspective then u must not know or understand God’s word that teaches “Judge not least thy be judged. How can u reduce all of her accomplishments made by this woman to her religion
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because you refuse to understand Wow, you have some magical nose where you can smell vaginas hundreds of miles away? I think the reality is that your nose is too close to your ass and your smegma coated cashew sized dick. but I kinda lost a little respect for her when I found out she’s a Jehovah witness. She’s a powerful woman fighting for equality, yet identifies as a Jehovah witness… Dos equis beer full printing ugly christmas sweater an organization that teaches women are subordinate to men. As someone who escaped from being jehovah witness and avid feminist,
it’s very disappointing. I’m proud of all her accomplishments but…. why say she’s promoting equality between the sexes if she belongs to an organization that doesn’t. No matter what religion…..its all bowing down to men in its scriptures and often preached. So would it make a difference if she was Christian in your eyes? How about we judge a person by their actions, not thier beliefs. Everyone is entitled to thier beliefs, but as soon as they throw hate, or belittle someone, that’s where the disgust and harm comes. we all have a choice as to what higher power
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