Things like fair employment, fair pay, the same advantages that other Americans receive!! Four blue birds quilt Nobody is asking anybody to change what they believe! That is guaranteed by the Constitution, but so is equally in human rights!!
Four blue birds quilt
it’s not about hate… nothing to do with hate. It’s everything to do with God’s law, his promise and his salvation- but first you have to acknowledge what is right and what is wrong- remember the bible verse – woe to those that call evil good please tell me you’re not a trump supporter! There are more scriptures Four blue birds quilt about braggarts and boasting than homosexuality. It didn’t even make the top ten no no’s. The church harps on a handfuls of lines and wields them like a battle ax

while ignore the fact that cheating, divorces, living together, etc that happens everyday in the church. Please scream as loud against that stuff as you do against the lgbt community and then we will talk I don’t know the details spelled out in the Equality Act, but I can’t imagine it would require people who don’t believe in or recognize that lifestyle, to be forced to change their beliefs! Equality usually speaks to “human” rights for the peoples in this category!
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