but I’m with Whoopi on this. Throw a punch and be prepared to have it thrown back twice or three times as hard. Harry potter gryffindor ugly christmas sweater We also feel pain when hit. These woman on this show are a disgrace and have shown themselves to the world Men raised decently will not hit back.
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My mama said if somebody hit you hit them back my mama also said you tell a woman I’m a man and I can hurt you she said if that woman decides that she wants to hit you she has stepped out of her shoes of being a woman and she just stepped into man shoes meaning she has made herself your equal and if she runs up on you and hit you then hit her back if she still want to fight whoop her ass like she was a man Harry potter gryffindor ugly christmas sweater Well this is getting ridiculous cause alot of women hit men too,getting boring listening to women ,women nowadays are selfish,
and all about ME.me and oh yea me me me…look in the mirror ….check your reflection but if a woman chooses to hit a guy then the man is allowed to defend himself. You as a woman know the physical strength of a man on a general bases so the chance are of you being hurt or knocked out is your own dam fault. Being a woman doesn’t give you an entitlement or privilege to hit a guy without him hitting you back. You have no right to lift your hand against a man equally to him raising his hand against you. You want equality but can’t handle it being given back sorry
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