we do not want to be seen as suggesting that the use of section 107 jack daniels old n07 brand whiskey skull full printing shirt of the Indian Act has any further validity. However, we do note that, as with the former
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Federal-Indian negotiations leading to a recognition of the right of Aboriginal people to establish and maintain Aboriginal courts as an aspect of the “existing treaty and aboriginal rights of the aboriginal peoples,” jack daniels old n07 brand whiskey skull full printing shirt as recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. The other initiatives in Canada have been limited to appointing more Aboriginal people as provincial or territorial justices of the peace, or as advisers to presiding provincial or territorial court judges. Both these approaches have been used extensively in the Northwest Territories where a number of Dene, Metis and Inuit justices of the peace currently serve. In addition, some Inuit communities in the eastern Arctic use an elders’ panel to advise the court on sentencing decisions and to
help carry out behaviour change in offenders who receive non-custodial sentences. It has been the position of successive ministers of Indian Affairs for at least the last 10 years that no new courts will be created under section 107 of the Indian Act. Thus, the only appointments of recent vintage have been as replacements upon the death, resignation or incapacity of the sitting justices. The explanation for this unwillingness to utilize the legislation as it stands is that the Indian Act as a whole has been under review, and long-term initiatives that might prejudge or differ from the outcome of this consultation process should not be implemented for the time being. We question the validity of this explanation in view of the fact that other major changes have been instituted. Nonetheless, in view of the position we take with respect to the creation of Aboriginal justice systems,
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