When Jesus came the laws of Moses are no longer necessary. Je suis une princesse disney a poudlard shirt Jesus is our sheep and he’s been slain, we are no longer bound to the laws of Moses. That being said we are not to disregard them completely.
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That’s why it’s so sad when you see so many saying they are men of God except they are wolves in sheep clothing teaching the Bible not in the way it was ment to be interpreted, spreading false Doctrine to their parishioners. They twist the word of God to make those who come to their church happy Je suis une princesse disney a poudlard shirt and not feel like they’re doing anything wrong. God can not condone sin, God says right in the Bible it is an Abomination to him.

No matter how much you want to twist it or say it doesn’t matter that’s a pretty strong bold statement from our heavenly father. That being said God does not condone any sex out of side of marriage. A marriage between one man and one woman. Also did you ever consider he’s probably not Catholic? That being the case he’s probably not into it all those ritualistic acts the Catholics perform or feel necessary to stay in God’s good graces.
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