there are 10 others who are lying about the issue just because lovely baby chicken bedding set they don’t want a person with a disability and their service dog in their establishment. Service dogs do not “treat” an illness or injury or disability.
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regardless of what that disability is, it is a service dog. It may be confusing, but you need to stop thinking about whether the disability is psychiatric or not. lovely baby chicken bedding set You need to think of it in terms of whether the dog is performing a task, or whether the dog has been prescribed to calm through companionship. It is true that the Americans with disabilities act does not require documentation because businesses would really take advantage and leave disabled service dog handlers waiting outside until employee could look at an ID. People love power, and businesses would love to exert power over disabled handlers in this way. However, the Americans with disabilities act does not apply on airplanes.
The air carrier access act applies on airplanes, and an airline can request documentation under the air carrier access act. This is because it wouldn’t create a situation where a person with a disability is basically marginalized by having to show an ID everywhere they go. I think it is possible to accommodate both disabilities. If you have a dog allergy, it would be considered a disability, and if you are not being accommodated effectively, you have the same rights under the ADA, fair housing act, and air carrier access act. If you encounter service dog handlers this seem suspicious of you and your legitimate dog allergy, don’t be offended. A lot of people lie and say they have dog allergies because they think it will get them out of including a service dog in their business and so forth. Remember that for every one person who has legitimate dog allergies,

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