It has been 7 years since they have seen each other. Merica since 1776 christmas sweater Let them bond back together in love and unity. Let them help each other.Amen. Let them be able to.mend each others broken hearts. Sad to see this kind of thing.
Merica since 1776 christmas sweater
Some people are homeless also because your own blood relatives turn you away meaning u have no hope for life so that’s the only life you learn to adapt to ..being homeless this man looks like he doesn’t ever’s very sad.I recently worked at a fast food place for 3 yrs and one thing Merica since 1776 christmas sweater I use to do is give homeless people food free..or w/my team leader discount.I feel terrible seeing people hungry..and helpless

Awweee sorry 2 hear wat happen 4 his lost but hopes he gets reunited wit his brother n that’s why the bible says judge no one c them as a person not wat they look like or doing..Cos we all have been threw but handled it n a different way some went out there n found there way back n we’ve got others that hasn’t. Lord please help these two brothers reunite. Give them strength to reach out to each other.
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