I and many like me will sit this election out as long as we are the chosen pin cushions…. New orleans saints knock knock who dat doormat between people like me sitting this one out, and the Democrats desire to gain control, this election isn’t going to be a pretty one for sure.
New orleans saints knock knock who dat doormat
Isn’t it funny that the Democrats are now pushing for a recession. Never mind people will lose their jobs, maybe homes. They have nothing, but are willing to sacrifice the American people to win. Just about every liberal news report is mentioning the chance of recession. Bill Maher even said on one of his shows this country New orleans saints knock knock who dat doormat needs a recession to get President Trump out of office. Scary thinking from the left. Mentioning the possibility of recession is not “pushing for it.”

Stating that there are multiple fault lines in S as n Francisco and California does not mean scientists are wishing for an earthquake. Do you realise what you sound like? nowhere in that article does it say any women’s rights are being rolled back it’s mostly just changes and semantics the article even admits that at one point. But I guess anything to muddy up the waters. I’m so sick of women, hispanics, Blacks, Teens, all getting the nod in the labor field ahead of my experience,
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