and read the prosecutors memoradum. Quite enlightening. To summaries…there is no way I would consider taking this to court. Also, R u mine arctic monkeys i’m a puppet on a string tracy island poster the Bar association is being investigated as well as Feinstein. Stay tuned. There are already federal investigations on people making more false claims.
R u mine arctic monkeys i’m a puppet on a string tracy island poster
She won’t come and speak to her accuser or senate, but she will go on talks shows….waiting for the book! And yes my family have experienced a few traumatic things far worse…. way to many coincidences surrounding these allocations you make me sick with your comment! R u mine arctic monkeys i’m a puppet on a string tracy island poster You know nothing about her and you don’t know if her story is true. Some thing could have happened to her but it wasn’t the judge cause you want it to be!
He had proof he was out of town! Check the facts please. Not all women tell the truth either! There was no proof at all! If he was in a criminal courtroom he would not even be convicted because there was NO evidence or witness to back her up!It has come out that the Democrats paid her lawyers so why did she need a go fund me page?? Which has raised 1/2 million. She did pretty good coming up with this story! And you know what she said is absolute fact. You might want to go research
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