that it requires judges to be more knowledgeable about the relevant law. red bull sports car motorcycles full printing shirt On the one hand, this has meant that some judges lack the desired level of legal education or training necessary to
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in part induced both directly and indirectly by the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, but civil matters still comprise a very small percentage of the total workload of tribal courts. red bull sports car motorcycles full printing shirt The vast majority of the work of tribal courts appears to be in the field of criminal law. Tribal judges, surprisingly perhaps, appear to have been hesitant to rely upon tribal customary law as a basis for their decisions. They appear reluctant to supplement tribal codes where necessary through creating their own brands of Aboriginal common law. However, this may be a reflection of the degree to which tribal members are satisfied with the manner in which legal issues are dealt with in their codes, or the fact that tribal courts still,
to a large extent, are finding their own way. We must not forget that tribal courts are a relatively recent development. On the other hand, there is a danger of over-professionalization facing tribal courts. It can result in the exclusion of members of First Nations, as happened through an increase in the Navajo Bar examination standards such that no Navajo candidate was able to pass the bar exams in 1988. Placing a premium on professional training also may result in advocates and judges who are not steeped in traditional values or knowledgeable about customary law. Adopting a Western legal style with formal educational requirements can lead to a loss of Aboriginal uniqueness and much of the strength that tribal courts possess, particularly their informality and acceptance within the community. The nature of the workload in tribal courts has also changed to such an extent
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