I love this lady. I think she just knows what is wrong and what is right. Skull five finger death punch all over print hoodie So very open minded. I really wish I could call her one of my best friends. I would love to have either lunch or cocktails and dinner with her. She has an ethic I truly admire.
Skull five finger death punch all over print hoodie
A judicial officer should not participate in an official ceremony he or she has reason to believe he or she will pass judgment on. This issue is very sensitive for courts of appeal. Justice Ginsburg is on the Supreme Court and knows that the issue of same-sex marriage is coming to the court. Skull five finger death punch all over print hoodie I like Justice Ginsburg very much although I often disagree with her. This seems like a situation where she did not exercise very good judgment.

(She’s human.) I think she hurts the LGBT cause because her participation in a ceremony, the legality of which has not been established, could taint her objectivity when it comes time for her to make a decision. Wish that all of our government was as wise and just. I love your braveness and all that you stand for. Here is hoping our next President is half the person you are. He should only be allowed to turn down so many bill votes or there should be guidelines where he can only turn down a vote under certain circumstances. the comments in this thread of hate are deplorable.
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