If he has so much respect for the Bible, he would Star wars baby yoda quilt “obey [his] earthly masters” who have a non-discrimination policy in place at the City of Atlanta. He violated it by forcing that book on his employees.
Star wars baby yoda quilt
Okay, here’s the rest of the story. Cochran published a book where is said homosexuality is vile and equated it with pederasty, bestiality and other forms of “sexual perversion.” Because he was a very public leader, the city suspended him and wanted him to receive “sensitivity training.” He was told not to speak about this until it was resolved, Star wars baby yoda quilt but he started going around to churches and to the Executive Committee of the Georgia Baptist Convention and speaking about it.

Not only that, but the city of Atlanta had a code of conduct that required he receive approval before publishing a book which he did not do. Then, he distributed the book to employees even if they didn’t ask for it. Some employee filed a complaint. The Atlanta Professional Firefighters union, Local 134 supported the decision to fire him. So, nothing is ever what it looks like at face value. He is lying by omission in this video. He was rightfully fired for distributing that book at work.
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