in fact, why don’t we wait until months after it premieres to do anything. solid plan. whatthehecckkkk. it’s like the episode of the office when michael had the story of quitting, The child baby yoda mandalorian shirt and everyone wanted to hear it, but he didn’t just tell the story—he took 5 million years to get to the best part. this is what is happening right now
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because he had a massive reputation from defeating the Empire in ROTJ. Other characters wouldn’t have worked for that. Of course it’s nostalgia to reel fans in, why wouldn’t they do that as well? They’d be dumb not to. I think that’s also untrue. Lando’s reputation precedes him, The child baby yoda mandalorian shirt so him going to gather the resistance would have much better results than some less charismatic, less famous rebel/resistance leader.

As for calling people incompetent and potatoes (WTH is that one anyways?)… Why the need for name calling? This was a mess, but still far more enjoyable than The Last Jedi. The prequel trilogy is far better than I remember after watching it last week. It sets up a lot. It’s just a lot more political themed than the OT, which causes people to hate it a lot. That, and a load of cheesy acting that was no doubt because of the director. Regardless, it’s still fun. The prequels are a bit more cohesive than the sequels plot-wise.
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