unless it’s absolutely necessary, Three Kings Quilt because when it comes to physical strength it’s highly unlikely that the guy can be overpowered by the girl. That said, spousal/SO abuse is no joke and men are victims on a larger scale than we’ll probably ever know
Three Kings Quilt
I’ve been in this situation, I was on a bus home and the bus ride was about an hour long and what happened was I was sat at the back of the bus on the top deck with my friend and these girls got on and they sat in front of us now keep in mind it was about 10pm and the bus was empty so these girls kicked off with my friend and started punching and kicking the both of us now we were both guys Three Kings Quilt and there was three of them and we had in my opinion every right to punch them back but we didn’t because of how we have been raised “don’t hit women”

so I went home and I had 16 bruises on my arms/legs and 1 on my neck I handle trouble walking properly for the next few days because of that. Now I’m not saying hitting anyone is right but I just think some circumstances call for it I actually agree with whoopi. It’s like a miracle. Funny thing is, her view is the natural progression of feminism and gender equality. You hit someone, don’t expect them to not use their right to defend themselves just because they’re a man and you’re a woman. Personally, I tend to agree with the blonde girl (sorry I don’t watch the view and have no clue who she is) that a man shouldn’t hit a woman
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