or not you are allowed to resuscitate. Welcome wu-tang clan doormat For exactly the same reason that a pregnant woman can decide to continue with a pregnancy or not. please go pick up a book!! By the scientific definition “the smallest form of life is a cell”!!!
Welcome wu-tang clan doormat
You didn’t protect yourself for your human life’s safety while pregnant? Oh of course you did… if you were pregnant then ask around! A women goes into protective mode over that human life the second she sees two lines on a test strip! Because she knows LIFE is growing inside her! I’m sorry someone has brainwashed you into thinking life is so not valued this comment was supposed Welcome wu-tang clan doormat to follow the remark about a chicken is not a chicken until it is hatched, but of course that is ridiculous. When an egg is hatching

you can hear the chick pecking the egg to break so it can come out. So what is it before the shell breaks? Same with a baby when it is still in the womb. Yes, the chick is a chick before the shell breaks. A baby is a baby before it comes out to face this hard hearted world! it is true, there is too much money in selling dead baby parts that a vocal minority keeps saying it isn’t, that’s all. Truth is truth no matter how many say it isn’t. they did breath, and did gain personhood. And they also decide whether
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