not right. be glad y’all are even talking. wish all the crap would go away in mine and we could all just love each other! time to stop being so damd childish! hope they read this! White christmas 66th anniversary quilt Wow people were angry at my comment… Why? Chelsi, there were leaves of some kind added to the majority of the plates.
White christmas 66th anniversary quilt
I’ve been doing DSP work for almost 10 years. I’ve always said to other people I’ve worked with throughout the years, if you’re just here for a paycheck you need to get a different job. This job is sooooo much more than a job. They become like your family. It’s the greatest, most rewarding thing I’ve done in my life I started as a DSP but now do BSS. White christmas 66th anniversary quilt I always knew I wanted to work in the field but there are so many that, like you, just kinda fell into it and found their niche.
It really is the most difficult yet rewarding work one can do. The subtext is that here in the States, Direct Service Providers are pitifully paid; often earning wages on par with those of fast-food workers, but with often inferior working conditions. Accordingly, the profession, which has quite modest qualifications, is too often marred by people who lack the required temperament, empathy and moral compass. All the more reason to be grateful for the good ones holding the system together by their dedication and a shoestring.
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