Those uncaring ones who chose to focus on his Wolf return to the wild quilt instead of his tragedy, are such people. Too bad – by their choices, they have called down upon themselves the very thing of which they made the object of their scorn.
Wolf return to the wild quilt
I’m sorry brother. I have two daughters. Harden our schools. People with the intent to kill will get guns regardless of who is in office. Those people talking shit are sheep in line following the herd.They have no clue about the real world. No one should have to endure the loss of a child, Wolf return to the wild quilt especially in such a tragic way. Bless you and your family for standing up to what is important! Praying for your hearts to heal

from this horrific loss you have suffered, and for all the other families as well. I’m so angry at the evil, Liberal Media for treating you this way ! There is absolutely no excuse for their misbehavior or mean-spirited words ! Our hearts have been hurting for every one of you parents who lost a beloved child, last Feb., and you have our prayers and deepest sympathy There will always be stupid people.
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