Making it a right would force a doctor into your service. The doors tropical flower hawaiian shirt You may choose your doctor and the doctor also has a say. The minute you force someone it is slavery. Well yea. Capitalism is slavery.
The doors tropical flower hawaiian shirt
We live in an economy that fosters, encourages, celebrates and rewards greed. We have been mindlessly exploiting the resources of this country since before it’s founding. The doors tropical flower hawaiian shirt You don’t get the right to steal from others. Healthcare is worth money because it’s a very high quality in the US. If Healthcare don’t bring Donald Trump a personal profit he will make sure it won’t exist so what your saying is you have the right to a doctors services like slave owners did to their slaves? Cause after all that’s what slavery is a right to someone’s service Until Democrats will work with Republicans there will never be Universal health care. Which means there will never be Universal health care lol.
American congress by force AIPAC Israeli lobbyist , Pay billions dollar of American taxpayer to Israeli just to have free healthcare, free education, but same congress , cut from American people, because american people are not speak up, just like Nazi when was killing Jews no one speak up, so crime happened now American people are losing life,and no one speak up for amerian people not those zionsit in congress or in Israel, they love only themselves not american people when using amerian taxpayer money, All medical chares too much. Even when in hospital charging for bandages. Simple things . They pay pennies for things and charge you. And no one should have to die. The billionaires should be helping out with these things too. Putting more into charities to help people with surgeries.but barely never see anything like that. No it’s not a right.

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