Honestly it’s something I will never forget till the day I die. Tropical pug hawaiian shirt One day I said I’ve had enough. I want a commitment and a person who loves me and s family.
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You may not have any idea if you’ve caused issues, or the thing you blame him for are things you caused, and the things you blame yourself for that he caused. Tropical pug hawaiian shirt It was this way in my association with my ex-wife. Consider these fun topics, you are making a lot of assumptions about a situation you know nothing about. Karma does not exist. God controls my life and that of my children. He chose to have affairs and totally rejected any attempts on my part to work it out. He has not made any effort to reconcile with our children. I tried my best not to criticize him in any way in front of my children as he was still their father. He wrote them horrible letters.
But I insisted he be included in their graduations, weddings and etc. He didn’t pay all of his child support. He paid nothing towards the kids’ education or weddings and he was making a 6 figure income. But God provided for us. My kids are awesome young adults, raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. God will deal with him in His time. I am not bitter nor angry. Just thought you might need some facts. It is my ex husband’s great loss in all he has missed where the kids are concerned and he doesn’t seem to care. I had an ex I was deeply in love with and he treated me poorly. Always breaking up with me, unsure of our relationship, never committed to marriage because I wasn’t good enough. He broke me into a thousand pieces.
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