Borderline hatespeech. VERY SAD. no freedom of what? vincent van gogh starry night elephant vintage poster Now I think one has more freedom in the USA of showing how racist one can be than before.
vincent van gogh starry night elephant vintage poster
Can’t have your ‘whites only’ beaches. Poor you. Need to send translator. get over it or leave the country. You haven’t lost a thing. not racist, vincent van gogh starry night elephant vintage poster but back in the day you could say what you had on your mind with out worrying about people’s feelings. You could have a conversation about something even when you didnt agree. The lady in the video is wrong, but it is her right to say something, even if it makes her look uninformed. the US is just overwhelmed with Mexican speaking Spanish & south of the borders countries. Big business are catering to Spanish for the push 2 for Spanish the US is just overwhelmed with Mexican speaking Spanish & south of the borders countries.
Big business are catering to Spanish for the $$$$ push 2 for Spanish I agree that she sounded confused, she was all over the place. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take away that shes racist & a tad ignorant. I have to give it to the son because I would not have been as calm with someone talking to my mama or daddy like that. white peoples just want to put others back in slavery but news flash not happening. So fuck freedom we want justice yeah you could say any old racist bullshit you wanted. Is that what you mean? WOW, The old lady is still living in and after the time of the Second World War according to her opinion of “Nazis and Facism”. And she is the cause of so much hurt and intoletance to the “Spanish” one. Is she not aware thsat Spanish is spoken in many SAmerican countries?

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