Really!? I would have thought people would have gone for big guy/soft hugs rather than skinny guy/hard hugs… Then again he did carry himself in two completely different manners. Vintage guitar blanket The first time he wasn’t smiling and was hiding behind the sign and brim of his hat, standing awkwardly with little confidence.
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this is precisely why so many ‘movements’ fail. pick a point, the one that matters, and stick to it. this point should be antifa extremism, indirectly endorsed by the media through lack of exposure. if you add anything else, the message is lost, refuted, ignored, etc., because you leave weakpoints in the wall and Vintage guitar blanket yet everyone starts to feel just a little bit of progress, and heaps every other thing that ever bothered them onto the train, and all progress is lost, or worse, corrupted, by hatemongers and extremists on the other side. Saying things are Gay, like the dogs sweater.
Tranny, Gender Queer, stuff like that. Some people are very sensitive about that kind of thing. I would tell them to suck it up, but California banned straws so I don’t know how they would go about it. It’s insane and sad to see that this is how it became of the Middle East. It’s how it started out. A group of people that no one took seriously until it was too big to totally eradicate. We need to smash this shit now your post just now showed up on my feed. Three days and EIGHT+ hours after you posted it on fb this week? Please re-share it soon; so the others whom are yet to see it, can help out putting the news out there too. Ty! These are antisocial Fascist, themselves!
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