He just a waste of a human being. My brother is deaf and he literally became a recluse ACDC rock band hawaiian shirt because of the way he was treated in every day life. Breakes my heart
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He should be fired on the spot! Rude!! Then why’d she go through the drive-thru? closed but only able to go drive thru like evrrybodies else does. okay, but if you’re deaf, ACDC rock band hawaiian shirt wouldn’t you take someone else with you to help in this situation? Not to be rude, but maybe she should of gone inside the store to order, cos she can’t hear the speaker box and he doesn’t know at that stage that she is deaf. there are signs in every drive through that deaf people can pull to the window to order. There is literally NO difference in them ordering at the window or ordering at the counter. Besides which, inside counters are closed anyways right now.
Why should she be treated differently when she is fully capable of communicating her order to the man? I don’t know they have signs, I’m not from there, we don’t have signs here in Victoria. If I were her I would not have waited because he might have spit on my food! What a ass the guy was rude .. what a ass he could have done that in a better manner Do you shouldn’t pull up there then if you’re deaf what do you want him to be a rocket science write on a piece of paper what do you want everything you want and how you want it pull up and hand it to him because your death isn’t gonna work That was absolutely disgusting! So happy they fired him. There is no excuse to act like that towards someone ever. Hope nobody ever hires him again.

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