well she white and she don’t think like we do just remember that All I want for christmas is the president bartlet 3d ugly christmas sweater I’m happy to see that she was happy to see daddy and he New all the steps thats awesome that’s what you called a fathers love was that their only dance?
All I want for christmas is the president bartlet 3d ugly christmas sweater
and the fact that they’re babies! Not a one of them knew 100% what was going on or what came next. It was harmless and he helped his baby girl. why do some people focus on the down side and dis the good side. It was a wonderful occurrence I am sure each child’s parent enjoyed this moment and were watching the father. she’s still just a baby . All I want for christmas is the president bartlet 3d ugly christmas sweater Of course he’s going to jump In and help her. Any kind of real father would have done the same. And I’m sure it wasn’t his intention to take away from the other girls. I’m so sick of negative ppl and ppl who nitpick something hat is meant to put a smile on your face.

Smh period you bitter ass women can’t stand to see a father doing anything positive with there child clearly he has been there for her and she just needed a little help to start but at the end of the day your sorry ass comment dose not matter he is a awesome dad and she was happy to see daddy come on stage and nobody was upset about it some of you lazy ass parents needs to get y’all ass on stage with your children to help them sometimes you just pissed me off with your dumb ass comment delete your self
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