Leave the statues and crosses alone they belong just Batman bat dog poster where they were put. God bless America. sadly the persecution will not stop according to scripture. on this subject
Batman bat dog poster
I pray for them. Faith is a gift, you know. It’s too bad that many bad things have happened in the name of religion. But remember religions are made up of people and we are not perfect. Bad things are not the fault of religions but if people We Forget -Please stand up to these horrid people everywhere ! The time for Silence is over Batman bat dog poster we must fight this trend on every front -They don’t outnumber us they overwhelm us with their noise ! Call your politicians,the Media
All types of Media- go after advertisers- I know some of the pure frown on this -TOO BAD-we must get down and dirty and fight on their level ! It’s a street fight-let’s get to it ! History should not be changed leave it alone . This should of never been brought to court. These judges should be impeached. This is so sad, disrespectful . These men fought for us and deserve our respect for them and their families.
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