you need to listen properly.. so for you to support such bad customer service Beer guinness hawaiian shirt shows what an asswhole u must be he take her order but ask her to Park her car,
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People have no customer service skills & are not patient with people who have disabilities. Maybe he thought she was mocking him and not realizing/understanding she was deaf? Beer guinness hawaiian shirt I’ve seen people treat drive thru workers like total shit, so I wouldnt be at all surprised if this was just a huge misunderstanding that escalated in a very ugly way. I agree… he definitely is not fluent in the ENGLISH LANGUAGE… that’s for sure and that is his defense mechanism along with teasing the customer… damn shame… He can understand her, he’s just extremely ableist and extremely pissed off that she isn’t using the speaker. I do know what this feels like!!
I’m not deaf at all but I can’t speak properly and I had some people treat me the way he is treating her in a way!!! It’s awful!!! Why can’t he understand that she is deaf, looks like he is deaf too bu the way he didn’t do anything about it If I was in line behind her I’d have ripped that dude out the drive thru what a POS She is very selfish, she can order the food and Park her car, so the one behind her can pickup their food. She only care herself and didn’t care any other people. she is deaf (she has no hearing) she has to order at the window but the guy with the shit customerservice skill had no patient he wanted her to move and not take her order she already told him number 8 like 5 maybe more times and he said no and didn’t take her order,

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