It is not anti religion. It is that you don’t put up a Star of David Deadpool deadpaw poster or a crescent moon as a government memorial to recognize the primacy of one religion over another. Read your history about the Constitution.
Deadpool deadpaw poster
take a stand and stop letting the minority dictate and tell the majority (us) what we can do or not do. I’ve always heard the majority wins. These dip-wads need to be told to sit down and shut up. If they are offended by seeing a cross,they can look the other way. I am offended by them and their attitudes! I believe the taxpayer has no problem taking care of Deadpool deadpaw poster our hero’s and veterans this monument has been standing years before The ACLU was even formed…. our Supreme Court needs to listen to the majority
not the few You are all missing the point. The government cannot recognize one religion over another. You all presuppose that everyone is Christian. Maybe someone among the dead veterans was Jewish. Are you telling me that the symbol of the cross is what he or his family should accept. This country was not established as a Christian country. That is why our court houses don’t have crosses.

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