So get over yourself and let us keep Groot hold jack daniel’s all over printed shirt and care for the animals we love. god didn’t curse the snake. God cursed satan to be a legless serpent who would crawl on his belly and eat dust. I have a few snakes none eat dust or try to feed me apples.
Groot hold jack daniel’s all over printed shirt
snakes are dangerous period.Whether my country is developed or not is none of ur business. I only said my opinion.You that ur country is developed don’t u still lack things? Tell that to all the herpetologists who have studied snake interactions and discovered that female rattlesnakes form lifelong bonds, Groot hold jack daniel’s all over printed shirt and male rattlesnakes will defend their mates and litters from intruders. Because she DOESN’T hate snakes.
There are people out there who love snakes and keep them as pets. Just because you, one tiny individual speck in the universe, have an opinion on a given animal does NOT mean the whole world must bow to your whims. You hating snakes does nothing to change their importance in the ecosystem, or to human health. There are 7.5 billion people on this planet, and almost NONE of them care about your opinion on snakes.

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