There should be no reason for abortion beyond certain exceptions Sixteen candles jake ryan porsche 944 poster because there are always, exceptions to any rule! When will we begin to see how
Sixteen candles jake ryan porsche 944 poster
Im sure the death rate and abuse rate of children being born… unwanted… will be go up….. instead of focusing on abortion… focus on a temporary sterilization for both boys and girls at the age of being able to make babies… Sixteen candles jake ryan porsche 944 poster and I don’t mean the crap contreception we have now… then of adult age let’s say 25… a mental and financial test should be done and if passed… then the sterilization can be undone…. condoms break… or ppl too hot to wear them…birth control that can be forgotten… ppl are gonna have sex… kids are gonna have sex…u can’t stop that… it’s more than a girl or woman opening her legs… it 2 ppl making this choice to not have safe sex…boys/men need to take responsibility too…
just like girls should keep their legs closed well boys should keep their pants on… there is no excuse on both sides! I’m sick of babies being born to abusers, sold for sex, starved, thrown in the trash, abandoned! Sterilization is the way! Abortions will always be needed if we don’t and when they are totally outlawed women will start dying too for trying to abort themselves… children will come out with defects from abortions that didn’t work…and more ppl will fill the jail cellsWhile this is a truth, it’s not fighting for the right reasons imo. I wonder what the number would be now from the 1.2 million before Roe vs. Wade that would need to seek an Illegal abortion. Take a look at the difference in contraception then and now. We need to be focused on making the many many improvements readily available for all.

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