Some people don’t understand what tolerance and freedom are. Baby yoda hug chicago cubs shirt They use those words, but describe the opposite. That was the case of the slave owners. They demanded their rights be protected-to own other people. I guess that view of life will never die.
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I proposed the hypothetical example of a Jewish caterer being asked to serve a Christian church’s Passover Seder and having a conscientious objection because of the inherent meaning involved (i.e., him not wanting to help celebrate Jesus as Messiah). I think this would Baby yoda hug chicago cubs shirt be religious discrimination by a private party that had clear First Amendment protection, and the caterer should have the freedom to decline.
She thinks he should have to do it. generically defined – without regard to any inherent message or religious content that might be involved in a particular request. She makes this into an absolute requirement that steamrolls any First Amendment considerations, and she viciously derides the religion of people who disagree with her on the issue. I’ve pointed out that this exemplifies why Colorado lost this case and why Trump occupies the White House.
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