does not punish, does not need meddle in the people’s faith if it is not like his own. what a stark contrast this is with the obama years. christians, Star wars the mandalorian the child painting shirt under president trump can now stand on their faith and beliefs without retaliation from d.c. i am so happy for jack! i am so happy for america!
Star wars the mandalorian the child painting shirt
social media has nothing to do with public accommodations though. sarahs refusal is 100% legal. youtube is not a store. (he was not kicked of f bc of affiliation alone though btw.) if a muslim opened a pa and refused gays what straights get then he is just as wrong. no difference pretty sure Star wars the mandalorian the child painting shirt jesus hung out with whores and blasphemers and told people to not judge them, but don’t tell that to these christians

with their 4 versus of a book translated and altered so often we have 0 clue what the original text is. they are pretty sure on just this one, jesus wanted us to treat the gay community unlike how he kept preaching to treat people well that argument is invalid, he didn’t refuse service because they were gay. discriminating would’ve been had he refused service to them period. he offered other services just not that particular cake choice. a lot of christians, like myself, don’t agree with his choice but that’s a poor argument. i do not have to agree with your choices.
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