If the mere thought if them being gays and stepping into his store was Baby yoda hug coca cola shirt enough for him to hate their existence, that is discrimination. But if they are welcome to buy anything and anything else aside from one custom wedding cake
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It only refers to that one aspect and will not be used elsewhere. It didn’t relate to the law and all and it’s still illegal. Public accommodation laws and protected classes exist for this reason laws in Colorado dont allow for discrimination against protected classes in public accommodation. If you serve a white man you must serve a black man too, if you serve a christian man you must serve the gay man too.

You cannot discriminate against age, sex, religion, sexual orientation. It’s not discrimination. It’s simply a matter of acting in line with one’s faith. He was willing to sell them anything else. Just not something that would contradict Baby yoda hug coca cola shirt what he believes as a person. Not necessarily. If he did not want to sell them anything because of them being gay, that would be discrimination.
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