Murder is not a choice. Give it to God and go to sleep farming full printing quilt everyone is responsible for there own choices. Can i make someone else pay for my weight loss surgery cause I over ate. Oh wait.
Give it to God and go to sleep farming full printing quilt
As a pro choice advocate, I’ve raised six of someone else’s children and am currently lovingly caring for number seven. I have a dog in the fight, which is why I’m astounded at how often pro life people avoid the ” what will you do to help a mother care for her unwanted child” question. Give it to God and go to sleep farming full printing quilt The answer always seems to be a list of who else can help besides yourself.. You are pro birth and only pro birth.

Once the child is born, and deserves a good quality of life, your silence is deafening. Work both sides of the fence and get involved personally with helping someone raise the child you insisted he born. Since I wasn’t there when she got pregnant I feel no responsibility to take care of her problems. She has a choice. It’s called birth control or adoption. Her mistake would be another persons greatest gift.
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