A bit late on this one, most of the merchandise will hit after the season is over and well after Christmas. The rickdalorian baby yoda and rick shirt I get the desire to not want to spoil the reveal, but it was made in the first episode. You should have had this stuff ready to go. It is not here, and I can’t finally bring it home…
The rickdalorian baby yoda and rick shirt
the poor pacing of the first two movies which led to Episode III feeling completely rushed and skipping over literally the entire Clone Wars… sorry, this new film is better than that. It has its issues for sure, as does the rest of this trilogy, but I enjoy any one of the sequels more than any one of the prequels, with the one exception being TLJ, The rickdalorian baby yoda and rick shirt which has enough problems to probably put it on par with Episode III, aka the best of the prequels. well the princess was asking for help because they were surrounded whereas Lando was bringing a message of hope
an opportunity to bring the fight to the first order and win. By nature, people are more willing to help when they think they will win. No one thought it was possible to win, which is why no one showed up at Crait. When Lando and Chewie went back to the core systems and told them they had an opening and could end the First Order, everybody showed up. It didn’t have anything to do with WHO was delivering the message, but what the message was. Lando’s character was pointless.
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