very cruel and I know understand this language the narcissist uses. Tropical pine apple skull leopard hawaiian shirt Another one is “I did not sleep with that women, I’m not laying to you” in his mind he didn’t sleep in her bed so will say NO….
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once my daughter found out about the affair and told me as I didn’t have a clue is when those two now open up a can of worms…… Tropical pine apple skull leopard hawaiian shirt if they could only see what damage was ahead of them not only to themselves but to the children on both sides along with two partners and two families…. it’s a knock on effect that ripples like a domino through to your workplace….. it’s an experience I wish I was never part of because as an innocent person I didn’t deserve the torture I have had to ordeal the past 2.5 years… even my little dogs have suffered. No person should have to feel so sad and low you just want to go to sleep and never
wake up because you can’t control the mess, stress, sadness and loneliness that is around you….. but I have because all I thought about was my future and how amazing it will be once I move on…. just my beautiful home to sell now which myself and children are sad to leave after 20 years of living here but it’s time now for someone else to share the love within these 4 walls this is what happened to me – my husband feed me so many lies I believed him – it wasn’t so much the lie but his wording “MY CAR WAS NOT IN CARDIFF” but it was somewhere else say another town so in his mind he was telling the truth…in my mind he was seen in a town with another women but he uses manipulation words to confuse me and let me think I’m going crazy….

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