they worked and earned their way up the ladder, Look right beside you and i’ll be there corgi dog poster they worked and SAVED for their hearts desires, they didn’t live false lives on credit cards and student loans and they didn’t buy pretty
Look right beside you and i’ll be there corgi dog poster
and generations and this generation now wants free college/uni and free daycare and free for anyone who strolls into the country. So, WHERE are you kids going to pull all this money from?? When a nation is buried in multiple billions if not trillions of debt like the USA after Obama’s reign of destruction, Look right beside you and i’ll be there corgi dog poster where do the funds come from for all these free entitlements; your future employment and contributions are just not enough.
Sweden and Denmark are falling apart, even the Swedes are getting ready to riot and Denmark is preparing to transport criminal “immigrants/refugees” to a “desert island”, France is turning upside down. Our grandparents and parents weren’t born into privilege and wealth, they worked and EARNED their way with the support and aid of their own families and their own sweat, they didn’t walk out of home and into some high-paying job and position,

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