as if they are all ignorant or hypocritical. Often the loudest people are the most extreme, and therefore the most easily noticed. But that doesn’t mean Baby yoda hug subaru shirt they’re true representatives of the group as a whole.) the same kind of blind faith that led up to the extermination of a good portion of the jewish
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why would a child suddenly be more of a human being after birth than before birth? At what point do human rights begin? Is it okay to kill an infant immediately prior to birth, but wrong to kill that baby if the birth has already happened? People have used the “I don’t believe it’s a person” Baby yoda hug subaru shirt argument to justify all kinds of historical atrocities. But in the end, you can either say “it doesn’t matter whether it’s a person,

because people have different beliefs,” or we can assert that a person’s humanity is not defined by the beliefs of others. (Regarding all the instances where people have said and done horrible things in the name of religion–I do understand how that makes people have a really strong, negative, gut-level reaction to religious convictions. And yet there are people in all groups who set a bad example and feed into a negative stereotype. So while the anger is understandable, it doesn’t justify treating everyone in a group
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