but I would not oppose laws that make those provisions. Baby yoda graphic shirt However, since you have now stooped to being condescending and mocking my belief that these human lives have a right not to be forcibly ended, then I have only one more thing to ask.
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You are malignantly blinded by your “faith” and a true example of religious fanaticism! Bless You! I suspect you are going to need it in your life, but of course, you won’t know you need it because your head is so firmly planted in the sand, poor thing I was just thinking that (I am Jewish) Baby yoda graphic shirt This is why so many people are turning away from religion and so many young people are staying away. It is unfortunate, but very happy that the law

and most of the world is moving towards equality and support for these groups. I look at it more like fear and being paralyzed by what ‘could’ happen, and I just don’t understand how it gets to that point. How do you look past human beings to serve a belief at all costs. How do you disown your child..how do you wish death upon humans for no reason…its very sad to me I believe that if a woman’s life is genuinely threatened by carrying a child to term, it could be legal for her to get an abortion. I would not consider that for myself,
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